This Saturday night, Kevin Maher will be reading from Leaping Lanny Poffo’s poetry collection. Get tickets HERE.
And here’s Kevin’s poem about Wrestling A – Z
the adventures of Kevin Maher, writer-comedian
This Saturday night, Kevin Maher will be reading from Leaping Lanny Poffo’s poetry collection. Get tickets HERE.
And here’s Kevin’s poem about Wrestling A – Z
Watch the newest ANDREW 12-SIDED DICE CLAY videos HERE.
Or follow the tumblr page HERE
a multi-media show dedicated to the greatest sport on earthThis Saturday March 23rd at 8:00
at the 92Y Tribeca, 200 Hudson Street
Buy tickets HERE
with special guests:
BRIAN SOLOMON (telling stories about working with WWE for 7 years)
MIKE EDISON (asking the question “Was Andy Kaufman the Greatest Wrestler Ever?”)
TENEBROUS KATE (celebrating Luche Libre cinema)
BRANDON ROHWER (sharing the best and worst tWEEts — wrestling twitter account)
NOAH TARNOW (from “The Big Quiz Thing” doing a super-special wrestling quiz)
* a panel discussion on Wrestling rumors, myths and legends
* rare TV and film clips
* Kevin Maher reads from Leaping Lanny Poffo’s book of poetry
Buy tickets HERE
Lastly, here’s the video with its ORIGINAL audio:
Kevin Geeks Out is the comedy-variety show hosted by writer-comedian Kevin Maher—a confabulation of vintage film clips and videos, new finds, guest experts, games and curiosities. To geek out with Kevin you don’t need to be a geek, you just need to love cool stuff.
This March, in anticipation of Wrestlemania, Kevin Geeks Out about WRESTLING, celebrating some of the weirdest, wildest moments in sports entertainment. The two-hour cultural cavalcade includes guest speakers presenting rare film footage and TV clips you won’t find on YouTube or Netflix.
The all-star line-up includes:
* Former WWE Magazine editor BRIAN SOLOMON shares his surreal retrospective “7 Years in the Tower: What I Learned Working for WWE” and presents a clip of Rowdy Roddy Piper discussing his role in John Carpenter’s They Live!
* Author and raconteur MIKE EDISON grapples with that great existential conundrum, Was Andy Kaufman the Greatest Wrestler of All Time?
* Cult-movie film blogger TENEBROUS KATE celebrates the odd sub-genre of Lucha Libre movies from the ‘60s and ‘70s.
* Pop Culture enthusiast BRANDON ROHWER looks at Wrestling’s Greatest tweets (or tWWEets) where the heels maintain their personas over social media.
* Quizmaster NOAH TARNOW (The Big Quiz Thing) tests the crowd’s knowledge of iconic wrestlers.
* Host KEVIN MAHER delivers dramatic readings from Leaping Lanny Poffo’s poetry collection.
* Plus a roundtable discussion on Wrestling rumors, myths and legends.
My long-awaited web-series has finally launched. You can watch the videos HERE.
Andrew 12-Sided Dice Clay is the nerd, dirty bad-boy of the comic book shop. His routines are obscene, obscure and often observational.
But don’t take my word for it — JUST WATCH!
My 7-year-old was psyched to get tickets for KING KONG.
related: Happy Kongiversary
Thanks everybody who came out to see Brian Solomon and me hosting “THE PRICE IS RIGHT” Vincent Price double-feature.
If you missed it, here’s an episode of Brian’s podcast where we talk about KILLER MACHINES, talking about everything from MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE to ELLO GOV’NOR.
You can hear it all HERE
Here’s one of my all-time favorite clips, the evil truck climax from NIGHTMARES:
This is a DUEL rip-off, but the breaching truck is pure JAWS. Curiously, director Joseph Sargent would go on to make JAWS: THE REVENGE.
And here’s the trailer for MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE:
This made my list of 5 Awesome Trailers For Not-So-Awesome Films
While discussing Burger King at work, I mentioned The Duke of Doubt. It was another one of those moments where a bunch of people had no idea what the hell I was talking about.
Join Brian Solomon and me for a Vincent Price double-feature!
Thursday February 21st we’re screening two of his best films:
Plus some of my favorite clips and highlights from Kevin Geeks Out about Vincent Price, including Tim Burton’s short VINCENT.
It’s all taking place in Bridgeport, Connecticut’s BIJOU THEATRE (of Blood!)
Here’s the THEATER OF BLOOD trailer
And here’s Adam Rifkin commenting on PHIBES:
Lastly, here are the world-famous Vincent Price cupcakes we served at Kevin Geeks Out about Vincent Price (read a recap of that show here.)