the adventures of Kevin Maher, writer-comedian
Thanks to everyone who came out for BATMAN NIGHT, next at the the Sci Fi Screening Room we’re showing 1983’s ROCK & RULE.
Co-hosted by Kevin Maher and Dekker Dryer (founder of Illusion TV)
We’ll have sci-fi shorts, trivia, drinking games, prizes and cheap beer.
Visit these links to hear more music from: Spider Baby, The Toxic Avenger, The Last Starfighter
Join me during my visit to the Sport Museum of America, where I discuss Future Sports (without actually mentioning FUTURE SPORT, a made-for-TV-movie starring Dean Cain and Wesley Snipes. We cut that for time.)
I was recently interviewed by a cool website called THE NEW ROOTS PROJECT.
Read the interview here. Finally, your chance to hear what I REALLY think about the relationship between the television industry and independent film.
If you check out the interview, you might notice an error — it says “Tiger Bear called him Funny!” That’s a typo. It’s supposed to be Tiger BeaT. Not Tiger BeaR.
Last Wednesday Nick Nadel and I screened an evening of BATMAN videos, starting with an episode of the Batman cartoon called “Legends of the Dark Knight” — in the 1950’s story Gary Owens voices Batman opposite Michael McKean’s Joker.
After that we let the audience choose a clip from the 1966 Batman movie — the overwhelming majority wanted to watch the “Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb” sequence instead of the “Shark Repellant” scene. Good call audience! It got the biggest laughs of the night. The second biggest laugh came when I read a Batman haiku which was penned by my wife. (She’s funnier than me.)
Then we showed some of the 1943 Batman Serial, which is historically significant for: a drab Batmobile, slow pacing, and racism (the bad kind.) Following the dramatic cliffhanger, Nick read titilating passages from
Dr. Fredrick Wertham’s Seduction of the Innocent.

After the success of HULK Night and KISS Night, THE SCI FI SCREENING ROOM is proud to present…BATMAN Night!…
Wednesday June 4th @ 7:00 PM
at the Theater Under St. Mark’s
94 St. Mark’s Place (btw 1st Ave and Avenue A)
L-train to 1st Ave, F/V to 2nd Ave, R-train to 8th St, 6 to Astor Pl.
Just 7 bucks!
Kevin Maher (that’s me!) and Nick Nadel share bootleg Batman, fan films, the 1943 serial, the 1980’s cereal, as well as some Superfriends clips, 1960’s out-takes, and other Batman rarities. Plus a visit from Batman Strikes writer Matthew K. Manning.