“There is something undeniably appealing about watching gorillas dressed like Fonzie aiming shotguns at Moses dressed like Tarzan.”
the adventures of Kevin Maher, writer-comedian
The gold-standard is the above artwork for the 1975 film JAWS. We all know this iconic image: Lady swims naked, blissfully unaware that she is about the be chomped by the giant shark.
So which works better for you?
To celebrate SHARK WEEK, I’m sharing this link to the very special JAWS 2 graphic novelization (with an emphasis on graphic!) It’s presented in full “MARVEL-COLOR”; the magazine boasts that each page was an oil-painting. It’s a real labor of love.
Marvel’s book is certainly more impressive (and more violent) than this children’s JAWS 2 COLORING BOOK, which I mentioned in a previous post.
For a lengthy exploration of all 20th century shark-media, you can check out this extensive recap of the obsessive theme-night KEVIN AND MATT GEEK OUT ABOUT SHARKS.
Related video:

My friend Jeremy was revising his screenplay and emailed me to see if I could contribute a joke about a serial killer. (It’s for his amazing-looking feature LUCID, but that’s beside the point.)
I scribbled a few bad jokes, some were really bad, others weren’t bad enough.
Even though he needed a quick exchange, I penned this narrative joke, which is liking something out of the Blanche Knott books I would sneakily read as a kid:
Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper and Jeffrey Dahmer all walk into a bar.
The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve serial killers.”
Manson says, “But I’m not a serial killer. I just had a devoted cult who killed on my behalf.”
The bartender says “okay,” and gives him a beer.
Jack the Ripper says, “But I’m not a serial killer. I was just a scapegoat for several murders committed by the Royal Family.”
The bartender says “okay,” and gives him a beer.
Jeffrey Dahmer says “I’m not here for a drink. I just want to find a man to seduce, murder and eat.”
I had written several more jokes, and I tried them all out on my wife.
For one of them I asked the question “How many serial killers does it take to screw in a light bulb?”
My original punchline was just okay.
But upon hearing it, my wife immediately said “I thought you were going to say `TWO: One to change the bulb and one to make a lampshade out of a prostitute.”
Such a better joke.
And the thing is, but she just fired that one off without thinking about it.
My wife is funnier than me.
Watch the trailer for Jeremy Carr’s LUCID
Lucid – Feature Film Trailer from Jeremy Carr on Vimeo.
And check out material from OLD SKETCH WEEK.
Having just acquired this box set, I am suddenly sorry I didn’t get a pre-nup.
I came across an old SILVER SURFER comic book, that was on sale for just a dollar. ($0.25 less than it originally sold for, in 1987.)
Last time I read this issue, I was 13 years old.
Looking back, it’s easy to see why I would’ve been drawn to the Surfer. On page 36, he tells his former boss/father figure:
Edgar Allen Poe made black cats a staple a horror, you still see them each year as Halloween decorations.
But as far as horror movies go, it’s dog territory.
Because people fear dogs. (And it’s much easier to direct a canine.)
Yahoo News did a story about the white working class. This guy is the face of the white working class?
Was Mojo Nixon unavailable?
Thursday July 7 @ 8:00pm