
After living through 2020, we need two things: comfort movies and therapy pets.**

Join us for a live-stream event about the Dogs of Christmas. Emmy-nominated comedy writer
Kevin Maher hosts an intimate fireside chat with strange clips, special guests and no commercials — guaranteed to help jumpstart the holiday season.

See why SyFy called Kevin “an insane genius” in the show DailyGrindhouse.com described as “TED Talks for Midnight Movies.”

With Special Guests:

Joe Dator (award winning cartoonist)

Emily Intravia (co-host of THE FEMININE CRITIQUE podcast)

Wendy Mays (host of PET CINEMATARY podcast)

Nick Nadel (host of the podcast MOVIES MY FRIENDS HAVE NEVER SEEN)

Suzen Tekla Kruglnska (host of the podcast THE SHINING 2:37/ ROSEMARY’S BABY 6:66)

Join us on YouTube or Facebook Live.

NOTE: The show is free but you can BUY A TICKET to support the artists who make this show.

Big thanks to Frank Hablawi at Non-Productive.com for producing the live stream.

**I mean “pets” as a noun not a verb, but hey — no judgments! Get whatever you need.