Comedian Kevin Maher returns to Nitehawk Williamsburg — and he’s not alone. He’s joined by his evil twin, Chris Cummins (host of SCI-FI EXPLOSION) for a video variety show about doubles and doppelgangers. Featuring rare clips, pop culture commentary, interactive games, deluxe prizes, and lots of laughs – all surrounding the motif of twins in everything from obscure comic books and speculative fiction to clone-science and exploitation cinema.
See why SyFy.com called Kevin “an insane genius” in the video variety show Daily Grindhouse described as “TED Talks for Midnight Movies.”
Join us for this 90-minute extravaganza, with special guests:
• David Gregory (producer, COLOR OF SPACE)
• Elana Levin (podcast host, GRAPHIC POLICY RADIO)
• Tenebrous Kate (co-host of the podcast BAD BOOKS FOR BAD PEOPLE)
• Andy Webb (filmmaker, ANOMALY)
• Kate Wilkinson (Wig judge, WigWurq)
Don’t miss Camila Jones ‘ custom 30-minute pre-show video that plays as soon as the house opens. (fun fact: Camila also made the trailer and poster art.)