This show was co-hosted by Will Carlough, world record holder of the highest score on ICE CLIMBER. Will told stories about his victory and how it was nearly threatened in a “King of Kong” style challenge.
Will and Kevin screened a lot of bizarre movies, plus fan films, cartoons based on arcade classics, vintage commercials, and other gimmicky media that tried to cash-in on America’s Pac-Man Fever.
Highlights included clips from the VHS tape of Video Game Secrets.
The night also included a mini video-game tournament (just like in THE WIZARD), and we shared footage from THE LAST STARFIGHTER musical and shared some video-game haiku.
Our feature presentation was the “BISHOP OF BATTLE” chapter from the anthology horror movie NIGHTMARES (1983), where Emilio Estevez plays a punk obsessed with defeating an arcade game.
BONUS: Highlights from “Secret Video Game Tricks, Codes & Strategies” with the U.S. National Video Game Team)