
For the Christmas edition of the KEVIN GEEKS OUT show, comedian Kevin Maher and his guests look at their favorite Holiday Specials, from the obvious to the obscure. This two-hour video variety show will stuff your stocking memorable moments from movies and tv specials.

NOTE: this is an all-new Kevin Geeks Out, not an encore of the 2015 Christmas show.

Guests include:

Erin Farrell (cinephile, video editor)

Steve Flack (tv editor and trivia champion)

Jeremy Frank (host, TAXES & TATER TOTS podcast)

Christopher Funderburg (editor, writer ThePinkSmoke.com)

Wendy Mays (host, PET CINEMATARY podcast)

Nick Nadel (host, MOVIES MY FRIENDS HAVE NEVER SEEN podcast)

Paul Murphy (filmmaker, RED OBSESSION)